Thursday, July 29, 2010

Trying to Find the Humor

The day before leaving for our trip, (aka busy, packing day), Sam became hysterical shouting for food. So, I gave him a cereal bar. He ate it in 1 minute...maybe less. You think I exaggerate. I do not. Half way through the bar, he is already thinking ahead and yelling for something else. He spots a banana... "NANANANANANAAAA". I give him half, more screaming, a reminder to say please, "pleeeeeasepleeeeeasepleease", then the other half. You would think this child has never eaten in his life. Oh, but in fact, he had a snack an hour earlier.

He chants, "barbarbarbarbarbar", hoping to score another entire cereal bar. I try to convince him that he needs to wait for his stomach to settle. I try to distract him with a toy. He is crying this entire time and trying to climb and open the refrigerator (He is 17months).

We have string cheese. He throws himself on the floor because I peeled it (to avoid choking) and he prefers to eat the thing whole thing in 3 2-inch, throat-clogging bites. After the cheese, he has managed to be distracted by something. I turn around to put a few dishes away, and from the family room, I hear, "messss.messs.messs" I turn back around to see that Sam has reached up and grabbed the only ripe tomato from the counter, brought it to the carpet, and squeezed with all of his might.

Behold tomato crotch:

More fun things that happened that day:

yep..that's my phone wedged in the ball popper

Although my sweet Sam is QUITE high maintenance, I am grateful for him everyday. I can only wonder what his future will hold. With his advanced ability to shout food items repeatedly, right now I'm thinking baseball game vendor? "Peanuts, peanuts...get your peanuts, peanuts!" Just kidding, Samalama. ;)

1 comment:

  1. i'm just catching up on your blog... and the photo of the ball popper made me giggle out loud...

    oh wow... did you get your phone out?
