Monday, July 5, 2010


So, gotta start somewhere! I'm creating this blog for many reasons. First, for documenting our crazy but joyful moments. People say "it goes so fast", but it's true. I've been meaning to journal, scrapbook, write in baby books, and such, but have not been very successful. I'm not sure if this will be different than many projects started and not finished, but let's give it a whirl!!!

I feel like lately I am learning something new everyday, so I'm forcing myself to write it down before it completely escapes me. Even being a mommy for 3 years, I feel like there are beginnings around every corner, new experiences where I have no idea what I am doing. Being a mom, for me, is a perpetual teeter-totter between "I got this." and "What the what?!?!"

In this third decade of my life, I have acquired a new hobby. I am also starting this blog to shamelessly gather gardening advice. I recently read Barbara Kingsolver's, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle. It changed the way I think about buying food an
d inspired me to start a garden.

It's a logical decision, really, to dig up a giant portion of your yard and try something you know nothing about. If it failed...I figured I could rent it out for mud wrestling or pig farming. Well, I'm happy to say that we are swine free!


I should thank a few. My secret gardening informants are most helpful: Amanda, Jen, Jess, my Mom, and Google. I love that I have seasoned gardeners to care about my garden and lend a tip here and there! Also, a shout out to my wonderful husband who knows me well, has seen me kill pretty much any plant life I have come into contact with, and who gently reminded me that it will take a long time to grow grass back in this spot.


  1. Hey Maria. Love the blog! I also just finished reading Animal Vegetable Miracle for a book club I'm in. Also, my cucumbers failed miserably this year. They grew so big, but never turned green! They stayed this yellow color. Oh well. I can grow flowers like crazy, but not veggies. Back to the drawing board, I guess.
