Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Graduation!!

Emma graduates from preschool this week. Even though it's a little funny to mark the 2nd year of 3 years of pre-K, it seems like a good time to take a moment and write down all the wonderful things about our sweet girl. The cliche that 'they grow up so fast' is becoming very real to us. I want to make sure I remember every second (except, fat chance that is going to happen, considering I can barely remember what happened this morning). are some random things I want her to know I know.

Dear Emma,

Happy Graduation Day! You are 4 and already brilliant! You are my joy and amaze me everyday. You can read, but like to keep that a secret. You have recently developed this little, coy smile that tells me when you are trying to be tricky or comes out when you are a little embarrassed. You can be shy in social situations and you take your time to assess the situation. You seem to be a natural leader. You make sure everyone knows the rules. You seem to have a flair for testing limits. You are a fantastic big sister. Even though you need reminders to be patient with your brother, you have been known to comfort him when he is sad and make sure that he has all of the snugglies he needs at bed time. You like to teach him things, good and not so good.

You have an incredible memory. You enjoy rhyming and changing the lyrics in songs to be a little silly. You love painting. You also like playing games with others. UNO and Pictureka are big hits right now. You are very loving and snuggling is one of your favorite things. You love to help in the garden and draw pictures. You adore our cats. Your favorite foods are steak and corn on the cob. You are tough cookie and rarely complain about anything. You are also sensitive and take things to heart.

You are very interested in learning to rollerskate, even though you have had to put it on hold because of the recent collarbone incident. You adore your Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and treasure your relationships with them. Your friendships with others are very important to you. Birthday parties, or future birthdays, actually, anything birthday related is a huge deal and manages to be worked into at least one conversation per day. You smile with your entire face these days. We are so happy you are a part of our lives!

Happy Graduation, Girlie!!!


  1. Most accurate description of Miss Emma! She is so lucky to have you for her mom!!

  2. Thank you! I'm pretty happy I have the job! =)

  3. You brought tears to my eyes. Happy Graduation, to Emma! She really is the most amazing little lady. I think I know where she got that from...

  4. Aw! Thanks, Jessie!! That's so nice! I cannot wait to hang out next!!!!
