Good news and bad news from our backyard....Good news first? Sure. Hooray for backyard salads! It worked! We have been able to add a spring salad to many of our dinners this season. We took pictures of our first, because we were pretty excited.
"let's pretend to eat it...wait. sam. sam. pretend, sam. sam, pretend!!"
(ps: as I am posting these, he is asking to see this picture b/c he wants to "see his moustache")
I was surprised at how the lettuce took off during the spring. We planted 4 baby romaine plants, and they grew up in a hurry. The red lettuce did, too. The chard, not so much, but there is still hope for those little guys.

Ready for the bad news? Can you tell from the picture above? This weekend, I noticed that the romaine looked a litte funny, different than it usually does. I figured it out and was super sad to see that they were bolting. Boooooo. It happens really quickly. The middle starts to shoot up and I have read it affects the flavor. So, harvest time, aka, save what I can in a mad panic!

Here, they are on their way to bolting. I was suspicious.
Yep, done, only a short time later
I knew it was a cooler-weather crop, but I couldn't help but think of all of cherry tomatoes that we will grow this summer that would have been perfect with it. Ok, so next year, note to self, look into season extending. If I would have been on top of it, I could have probably covered these little buddies up to shade them from the heat. Silver lining? Room for more! What should I plant? I have some plans for continuing some heat-loving greens...stay tuned!