Our little man is 2!!!!!
I can remember the car ride home from finding out that our second baby was going to be a boy. I kept thinking, "A boy. A boy. Hmmmm. I wonder what that will be like. I have no idea what that will be like." Well, I do now, and it has been a trip! Sam is absolutely one-in-a-million. He is smart, funny, animated, and dramatic. He loves to snuggle and is very caring and concerned about those around him. He often tells family members, "I lub you." He loves to talk. He absorbs and uses every word he has ever heard. He used to call his Grandparents, mawmaw and pawpaw, but has graduated to Grandma and Grandpa. He is unusually clumsy, but comes by that honestly. His poor noggin seems to catch every corner he encounters. In so much, that he has come to me on many occasions, rubbing his head with tears, saying, "I caught the corner." He loves to help in the kitchen and INSISTS on being my assistant.

He can turn anything in front of him into a big, destructive mess...quickly. He adores his sister. He is aware of his dairy allergy, and often reminds those around him, "I can't have cow milk. It makes my tummy hurt" or can be found asking, "does it have dairy in it?" He is athletic and recently has been practicing frisbee. He has one volume, loud. He can count to 20. He knows his colors and shapes. He loves all things birthday and is very serious about telling everyone the steps for presenting and eating birthday cake.

He loves to sing and dance. Literally, he feels the music in his soul!!! At 5 months, he surprised me by humming with his lullaby and has always automatically started to
dance when he hears a good beat. He plays a mean air guitar. He knows the definition of a slow jam and dances accordingly.
A little air guitar before breakfast
His interpretation of the pediatrician's office on hold music
He loves to draw, mostly fishies, strawberries, or circles. Everyday is opposite day for Sam. Up is down, off is on, in is out. His favorite animal is a zebra. He laughs a ton and enjoys telling knock, knock jokes. His favorite is told in one breath, "Knock, knock, who's there, interruffting cow, boo!"
He is an early riser and always has been. He loves to eat. He usually has about 3 breakfasts. His favorite foods are clif bars, waffles, pancakes, chicken nuggets and asparagus. His favorite desserts are cake, suckers, jellybeans, and "black and white cookies". He looks handsome in a tie. He pretends to go to work like daddy. He rarely asks a question once. In fact, now that I think about it, it is possible he has never done this. He prefers repeating himself. Right now, he especially likes asking repeatedly, "Whatchya say? What'd ya say? Whatchya say?" He likes reading books and doing puzzles. His favorite books are The Foot Book, "The Owl Sammy Book", and Goodnight Moon. He likes to point out that the bowl of mush "is just like oatmeal."
Sam, you are more than we could have ever imagined! We enjoy you everyday and are thankful you are here! Happy 2nd Birthday!